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111: The Need For Speed?

How does the need to provide "efficient" prosthetic care both help and hinder your relationship with your prosthetist? In this podcast,...

110: #AbledsAreWeird

In this podcast we examine those instances where individuals with disabilities receive help they neither need nor ask for. Prompted by an...

Ep. 109: Big Brother is Watching?

Are you comfortable with Social Security officials monitoring your social media accounts to verify whether your are truly "disabled" for...

Ep. 108: 2019 Advocacy Update

The current issue of Amplitude magazine includes an article about advocacy featuring interviews with multiple Amp'd guests as well as...

Ep. 107: Complications After Amputation

Unfortunately, for most of us amputation comes with other health complications. Some can be immediate while others may arise later in...

106: Dating Sites and What to Disclose

Online dating with LL/D presents an obvious question: how/if/when should you disclose that information about yourself to someone you are...

Ep. 105: Warranties and Your Prosthesis

Your prosthesis - or more specifically, its component parts - come with a warranty. What do warranties cover? What don't they? How do...

Ep. 104: Sexual Harassment in O&P

Today we tackle the difficult but important topic of sexual harassment in O&P. The O&P Alliance recently published an "open letter" on...

Ep. 103: The ACA Court Case

A Texas District Court judge declared the ACA unconstitutional. While the law remains in effect, what does the decision mean? Will it...

Ep. 101: The 2019 NAAOP Fellowship

For anyone in the limb loss/difference community interested in public policy and advocacy, the NAAOP Fellowship is an amazing opportunity...

Ep. 99: Look Before You Leap

It's annual enrollment time for health insurance and that means you have choices to make. In this podcast, we focus on the differences...

Ep. 98: Veterans Day

The impact that veterans of our country's armed forces have had on the broader limb loss/difference community cannot be overstated....

Ep. 94: Exchange Enrollment, 2019 Edition

It's that time of year again. Beginning November 1st, enrollment in the insurance exchanges begins again. What do you need to know about...

Ep. 92: The AOPA National Assembly

Every year, the biggest meeting in terms of size in the prosthetic industry is the AOPA National Assembly. What is it? Who attends? What...

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