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Ep. 10: Amputation Preparation

The majority of amputations occur with advance warning. Whether limb loss results from diabetes, vascular disease, cancer, other illness...

Ep. 9: The ADA Explained

The Americans With Disabilities Act is a law that impacts all people with limb loss / difference every day. But despite that, the law is...

Ep. 8: Thanks to My Missing Limb ...

To the temporarily able-bodied, the thought of having less than four limbs raises the specter of a more limited life, an existence...

Ep. 5: Immediate Call to Action!

Our latest podcast is a call to action for all amputees. This week, the Senate begins substantive discussions about repealing The...

Ep. 4: You and Your Doctor

In our latest podcast, we explain (1) why your doctor is such an important part of your prosthetic health care team, and (2) how you can...

Ep. 3: Our Big amp'd Announcement!

It's a historic day! amp'd now has a home on the magical interweb: It's kid-tested - literally - and...

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